Friday, September 19, 2008

A Jumping Fool

Emerson is getting really hard to handle lately - she has become a squirmy, jumping fool. The girl does not stay still for anything. Trying to change her diaper or get her dressed is an exercise in patience - it takes at least four minutes to wrangle her, get the diaper off, keep her on the changing pad (which usually is repeated several times), and get the new one on, hopefully the right way. She has mastered the army crawl and is way too interested in Grace's toy basket. It is crazy to think just five months ago, she would just lay there and sleep.
Taking a rare break from being so wormy and showcasing her juicy cheeks.

Green Beans & Applesauce: You will not see any other green food on her. She absolutely hates peas - evident by the gagging and crying upon her first bite.

Taking herself anywhere she pleases to go:

Motor boating in the bath:

And finally, a jumping fool:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Catching up

I'm sure you can guess, but we've been quite busy lately, hence no new blog entries. We've spent the last two weekends painting our living room, hall, dining room, and kitchen: one weekend for the trim, the other for the walls. Last weekend we did the walls and thankfully had help from one of the little girls in our neighborhood - not for the purpose of painting, but for the purpose of entertaining Emerson so that we could paint. I was talking with one of our neighbors about painting over the weekend and her very insightful 8 year old daughter, Lauren, figured out that we'd likely need someone to watch Emerson. To say that Lauren loves babies would be an understatement. She is soooo looking forward to taking a babysitting class when she turns 10 (which is over a year from now). Anyway, she was here for part of the day on Saturday and Sunday and played with Emerson. If not for Lauren, we would still be painting. While we were painting, Grace was outside for the majority of both days, which leads to the chaos of this last week. Apparently the experience was too much for Grace and either she ate something she shouldn't have or it just stressed her out (which is the suggestion offered by the vet). Typically this is the time of the year that Grace chooses to eat mushrooms (which may or may not be psychedelic) from the yard and swell up from head to toe and require a few days of Benadryl. I would've gladly accepted that of her this year, considering what she actually did do. I came home from work on Monday with Emerson and immediately smelled some type of bodily excrement from Grace, who was in her kennel in the basement. So, to my delight, Grace had diarrhea all over her kennel, the walls, and carpet. Oh joy! So, we get Grace all cleaned up, the house and kennel cleaned, Emerson fed and in bed and finally ate dinner around 8:30. After which, Grace opted to vomit in the corner of the living room, so the carpet cleaning continues. So, we are tired and just want to sleep, so we kept Grace in our room so that if she were to get sick in the night, we'd hear her instead of waking up to a pile of something somewhere in our house. So instead of a potential surprise in the morning, Ryan and I marinated in Grace's disgusting gas all night. We might have well been sleeping inside her colon. She was sick and not eating for most of the week, but seems to be back to normal now.

Anyway, there is the explanation as to why it appears we've been slacking off lately.