Friday, June 18, 2010

Pretty girl (and handsome boy)

Emerson is getting to the point where she attempts to put sentences together - usually just the nouns and/or verbs. Every morning when I get out of the shower, it is this over and over: "Mommy!....bag!.....mirror!" She takes the makeup bag from the drawer in the bathroom and places it in front of the bedroom mirror - and then she waits. She has enough restraint to not unzip it and wait for me. And when I'm out of the shower, there is lots of dancing and then "Emmy too? .....Mommy sit." Her favorite new activity is helping with makeup and of couse, putting some on herself. She's taken some brushes and makeup as her own and does a fabulous job applying it. "Pretty" she says to herself as she checks out her work - and she actually requests that I take a picture. So I are her masterpieces:

And Ms. Jackie gave Emerson a pedicure at daycare this week:

Otherwise, we've been up to the usual: (although napping topless isn't exactly usual)

"Hold him" - She loves insects and wants to hold each and every one.
Awaiting an insect:

Sharing pool water with Grace:
Watering flowers (which apparently are all "Emmy's flowers")

These are Emerson's brownie cupcakes from daycare for Father's Day. They are little grills. How cute.
Watching her DVD of the Lori Berkner Band - loves this thing. Ryan & I not so much; those catchy tunes stay in your head.

And on to Grant:
He's been hanging out with his lady friend Iris (born 5 days afer him)
Enjoying his mobile
And learning some life skills: sitting


And this is me: the usual dinnertime scene.
Have a good weekend!

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