Monday, June 28, 2010


Sunday was a great day in Emerson's life: she got a swing set (actually a birthday gift from Momo & Papa McNeil). Ryan, his dad, and my dad worked a good part of the day to assemble this for her (minus the 20 minutes in the basement for a tornado warning) and to say that she loves it would be an understatement. Emerson is a swinging fool. I'm sure you can envision our summer days out there, Emerson swinging, with Grant strapped to me while I push her.

*We don't typically have our kids outside naked, but it was hot, and Grant was hot and crabby. The solution was to simply sport the diaper (too bad we don't have those Huggies diapers that look like jeans - actually not too bad, they're ridiculous).

Hanging out with Papa Marcikic.

And Papa McNeil.
Outside of the swing set excitement, we've had an average week:
Swimming and enjoying popsicles (and of course offering to share with Grace)

And Grant: he's been lifting weights

Crashing in our bed - complete with cuddly, two bears, one monkey, a pacifier, water, and pillow. I believe this was our 5am wake up call on our anniversary.
And finally, the father's day photo.

1 comment:

Alyjean said...

yea for Emerson! Those swingy pictures are great!