Saturday, June 12, 2010

We're Back!

After months of being blog slackers, I've decided that it is time for a comeback. There has actually been quite a bit going on since our last posting spree, which is also likely the reason there hasn't been any posting since. We welcomed Grant on March 19th and juggling a two year old and newborn (and a crazy weimaraner) can be difficult work, but it has gotten much easier lately (knock on wood!) and a bit more predictable. Now that the official summer vacation (and the end of my maternity leave) has begun there will be lots to do and share. I've made a goal of updating the blog at least once a week with the ongoings of the Marcikic household. If it doesn't happen, the kids or the dog are to blame.

Here's what we've been up to:

Awaiting Grant's appearance. Yes, I know that I am huge. He was a giant at 9 lbs. 8 oz.

Fast Forward 4 weeks:

8 weeks:

And today at 12 weeks: He's so close to rolling over!

1 comment:

Alyjean said...

yea!!!!! welcome back!