Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blog Slackers

I have realized for a few weeks now that it has been some time since we posted anything to the blog. Apparently, the realization didn't translate into action. I'm not sure if it is due to business or laziness. Either way, here it is. Emerson continues to do very well. She has her top two teeth poking through the gums, so when they are finally through, that will give her a grand total of 4 teeth. She has been feeding herself very well (and sharing with Grace of course, who is never far at meal time). And, the big news lately is that she is starting to take some steps - usually a maximum of four and then leans/falls onto something or someone nearby. She is being a bit of a chicken about walking, but she is getting her courage up little by little. She is very vocal, although, we're not sure yet just what she might be saying. Here are some pictures from the last month or so..

1 comment:

Alyjean said...

I was getting worried about you all! Emerson is growing so much - will we recognize her next time we see her?